
Congres ISHP Milaan

7 sep 2022 | 10:00 tot 10 sep 2022 | 17:00

Het jaarlijkse internationale congres van de ISHP (International Society for the History of Pharmacy) zal dit jaar worden gehouden in Milaan van 6-10 september. Het thema zal zijn HEALTH, BEAUTY AND WELL-BEING IN THE HISTORY OF PHARMACY.

De organisatie is in handen van de Academia Italiaan di Storia della Farmacia, en nadere informatie is te vinden op

De reden waarom juist Milaan:
The link with Milan is the “Prospectus Pharmaceuticus” by G.O. Castiglioni (Milan 1668), which is almost certainly the first Official Pharmacopoeia in the world that devotes a specific chapter to topical cosmetic preparations. The legislator proposed to regulate the commonly used preparations, considering them unsafe for side effects. He established that the pharmacy, managed by a trained and rigorous professional such as the apothecary, was the most appropriate place for their preparation. The publication on the Official Pharmacopoeia made cosmetic preparations important and comparable to a medicine. Hence the close link between cosmetics and pharmacy



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